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Claire Squires

Claire Squires

Claire Squires



A special tribute to Claire Squires who was just 30 years old when she sadly passed away after she collapsed whilst running the 2012 London marathon.

Claire was taking part in the historic event raising money for her favourite charity the Samaritans.

Claire Squires

Claire Squires

Claire was collecting sponsorship for the Samaritans because her mother has volunteered for them for over two decades, and charity spokesperson Rachel Kirby-Rider said: "Obviously we're desperately sad and devastated as an organisation that Claire died whilst running the marathon".

Claire has raised a substantial amount of money for the charity. 

If you would like to make a donation in her honour you can do so by visiting Claire's fund raising Just Giving page.

London Marathon 2012

The London marathon 2012

Our thoughts and prayers go out to Claire's family and friends at this very sad time.


Personal "Thank you"
We have been completely overwhelmed by the support we have received over the past few months since we lost Claire. The money donated in Claire’s memory leaves us lost for words and it has been a great comfort to know that Claire touched so many people. She would have been excited to know that so much money had been raised, and we have worked so hard to make sure that it is being used the way Claire would have wanted. Thank you to everyone who donated, no amount of money can ever bring Claire back but we can hopefully make a real difference and leave a lasting legacy for my beautiful daughter. Cilla Squires (Claire's mum)



Claire Priscilla Squires

Small red rose for Claire

1981 - 22/04/2012


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